

Fliegentom Flypad (Fly Box)

Fliegentom Flypad (Fly Box) ; Item Number. 303545573333 ; Features. Freshwater ; Fishing Type. Fly Fishing ; Accurate description. 5.0 ; Reasonable shipping cost.


English. Thinkfish By: Thinkfish. Follow. FLYPAD & FLYPAD Box & Trays. Done. Upgrade to Flickr Pro to hide these ads. Loading comments... Add comment. 121 views.


DESCRIPTION. FlyPad catches the flies swarming around the horse's head. FlyPad is to be used when the horse is in the fold or when it is being ridden.

FlyStuff Flypad,L,CO2 Anesthetizing Apparatus,1 件床單

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Thinkfish Flypad Box

The Fly Pad Box by Thinkfish is an innovative fly storage system allowing you to stylishly store up to 1200 flies safely and neatly in one place.

Thinkfish FlyPad Box

Thinkfish FlyPad Box · Compact - 20 x 20 x 11 cm · Safe - non-deformable design and magnetic cover locking · Ventilated - fully ventilated so that the flies are ...

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